Character Equipment

In many cases you might want to add custom logic whenever an item is equipped, or to figure out what items are equipped whenever you need it in your code. This can both be done very quickly, and very easily.

Using events

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Devdog.InventoryPro;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Linq;

public class CharacterEquipmentExample : MonoBehaviour
    public CharacterUI characterUI; // Assign in the inspector.

    protected virtual void Awake()
        characterUI.OnAddedItem += CharacterUI_ItemEquipped;

    private void CharacterUI_ItemEquipped(IEnumerable<InventoryItemBase> items, uint amount, bool cameFromCollection)
        var equippable = items.FirstOrDefault() as EquippableInventoryItem;
        if (equippable != null)
            // Item is an equippable, check values.
            //, etc...

Get equipped item directly


Remember to add using Devdog.InventoryPro; and using System.Linq; to the top of your script.

public CharacterUI characterUI; // Assign in the inspector.

protected virtual void Awake()
    // Get all slots from the character collection that allow an equip type "Head"
    var slots = characterUI.equippableSlots.Where(o => o.equipTypes.Any(e => == "Head")); 

    // OR

    // Get the first item from this collection.
    var slot = characterUI[0].item;

    // OR

    // Get all filled slots' items that have the category "Shield"
    var shieldSlots = characterUI.Select(o => o.item != null && == "Shield");

Equipping items

var equipSlot = equippableItem.GetBestEquipSlot(characterCollection);
if(equipSlot == null)
    return; // can't equip, no slots found.

characterCollection.EquipItem(equipSlot, equippableItem); // Equip the item to the character collection. 

// OR 
var bestEquipSlot = equippableItem.GetBestEquipSlot(characterCollection);
if(bestEquipSlot == null)
