Item use conditions

Unlike the collections, the item use conditions are static (for all items) allowing you to create global usage rules.

public class CustomItemUseConditions : MonoBehaviour

    public void Awake()
        // Register our custom check.

    private bool CustomItemConditions(InventoryItemBase item)
        // Only allow the user to use an item if the buy price is higher than 5
        if (item.buyPrice > 5)
            return true; // The item can be used.

        return false; // The item cannot be used.

Alternatively you can also check the item type, cast it, and use the item’s specific fields.

private bool CustomItemConditions(InventoryItemBase item)
    // Only allow the user to use an item if the buy price is higher than 5
    if (item is EquippableInventoryItem)
        var equippable = (EquippableInventoryItem) item;
        return !equippable.isEquipped; // Only allow the equippable to be used as long as it's not equipped.

    return false; // The item cannot be used.